Teaching and Learning Antiracism

At Castilleja we are seeking to address racism and racialization with honesty, courage, and clarity of conviction, ensuring that teaching and learning of antiracism engenders sustainable change. As we progress in our antiracist practice, it is important for us as a community to recognize that this transformative work produces a necessary tension that can often feel destabilizing.

By exploring the ideas, language, and behaviors that challenge what feels familiar, we push ourselves to “be the change.” Our commitment is an ongoing process that includes reviewing and revising our programs and practices, so that assimilation is not an expectation. Instead, we want our community to become a place where people feel they can be themselves even when that does not conform to the prescribed "Casti way.” 

Commitment is measured by time, resources, and processes that inspire curiosity and demand accountability. To that end, we commit to continuing to:

  • Reviewing and expanding our antiracist curriculum for all students across all disciplines, while enhancing our social justice and integrated leadership programming

  • Developing ongoing antiracist and culturally responsive training for all employees and trustees so that their understanding informs their practices

  • Reassessing policies and procedures through an antiracist lens 

  • Bringing a greater number of racially diverse voices and experiences to campus to highlight their contributions to society and their impact on local, national, and global platforms

  • Advancing the work of the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Board committee to support DEI efforts at Castilleja through sustained partnership with the Board of Trustees

We recognize different members of our community value different resources and come to this work from very diverse life experiences. We hope you find something meaningful in our compilation. In the end, this is a collective journey to a shared future that is more equitable and just. This webpage is a live and evolving learning space, so feel free to check back often for additional material.

Haga clic aquí para recursos antiracistas en español.

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